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GulfCarbon Project Web Page!
The GulfCarbon project employs a combination of models and remotely-sensed and in situ observations to develop georeferenced products and associated uncertainties for land-ocean exchange of carbon, air-sea exchanges of carbon dioxide, and coastal to open ocean exchanges of carbon for the northern Gulf of Mexico and Eastern U.S.coastal waters. This website is intended to provide a central portal to communicate activities of the project to participating investigators, potential collaborators, program managers and the general public. For a list of participants and collaborators, click here.

GulfCarbon researchers examine terrestrial and ocean carbon cycle linkages -
The GulfCarbon investigative team, which includes scientists, technicians and students, have conducted an extensive series of cruises covering the region from Mobile Bay to the Texas coast and ranging from inland coastal waters out beyond the shelf.

Coastal carbon cycle science plan released -
A Science Plan for Carbon Cycle Research in North American Coastal Waters has been released. This is the culminating activity of a series of workshops and research activities that have been conducted over the past several years as a partner activity between the Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry (OCB) Program and the North American Carbon Program (NACP) to synthesize existing data and improve quantitative assessments of the North American carbon budget. Results from the GulfCarbon program contributed to this effort.

GulfCarbon Project Profiles -
Presentations, publications and data contributions by GulfCarbon investigators can be found at the following NASA sites: NACP, CMS, and CCE.

The GulfCarbon Project is comprised of a series of research projects supported by various agencies including the National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA), National Science Foundation (NSF), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and involving the participation of a number of academic and research institutions.
GulfCarbon involves a partnership between the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, The University of Southern Mississippi, the University of Delaware, Auburn University, North Carolina State University, and Dalhousie University, with participation by the University of Georgia and the University of South Carolina as well as other academic and agency partners.
The GulfCarbon Project is affiliated with the NASA Carbon Monitoring System, U.S. North American Carbon Program and the Ocean Carbon and Biochemistry program.

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Last modified: 02-Feb-2016

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